Trevor Stewart

Author, Speaker & Past Prestonian Lecturer Trevor Stewart of Scotland will be speaking at lodge tonight. The topic is "Those Pillars Again". Trevor Stewart is the Depute Master of Lodge Sir Robert Moray (Edinburgh, Scotland), PZ for Thornhill Chapter Holy Royal Arch Masons in England (as well as the Abbey Chapter in Scotland) and a founding Rev. Knight of the English speaking Prefecture and Loge St Georges, Num 5 under the Directoire Ecossais de Belgique for the Scottish Rectified Rite and Past Dir. General of Studies for the SRIA as well as an Honorary Magus 9th grade in the SRICF. The photo here is of MW & Most Rev. +Herbert Fisher (Past Grand Prior and Chancellor of CBCS, USA) & Rev. Kt. Trevor Stewart in Alexandria Virginia at Masonic Week 2008.
